Laboratory of Electrophysiology and Behavioral Neuroscience
Year of 2017
December 2017 "Pharmacological activation of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex on regulation of learned fear and extinction" (by Yu-Hsuan Chang, Sz-Wen Liu, and Dr. Chun-hui Chang ) is accepted in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
November 2017 林昱汝同學,謝忻倜同學,沈郁瑄同學,甄試逕行錄取清華大學系統神經科學研究所碩士班
November 2017 林昱汝同學獲沈巨塵先生優秀學生研究獎學金
October 2017 賴倩文同學獲106學年度清華大學校長獎學金(8學期)
September 2017 張育瑄同學獲106學年度清華大學生科院碩士班新生獎學金
September 2017 林昱汝同學獲106學年度清華大學生科院大專學生研究計畫補助
August 2017 賴倩文同學獲得清華大學系統神經科學研究所補助研究生出席國際會議獎學金
July 2017 "Inhibitory modulation of medial prefrontal cortical activation on lateral orbitofrontal cortex-amygdala information flow" (by Dr. Chun-hui Chang and Ta-wen Ho) is accepted and published in Journal of Physiology
June 2017 劉思妏同學獲得清華大學生科院海報比賽大學部優勝
June 2017 Dr. Chun-hui Chang received New Faculty Research Merit Award by College of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University
May 2017 林昱汝同學申請通過清華大學"五年一貫取得學士+碩士學位",成為預研生
April 2017 "Lateral orbitofrontal cortical modulation on medial prefrontal cortex-amygdala pathway: Differential regulation of intra-amygdala GABAA and GABAB receptors" (by Dr. Chun-hui Chang) is accepted and published in International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
April 2017 賴倩文同學直升清華大學生科院博士班
April 2017 劉思妏同學錄取陽明大學神經科學研究所碩士班