Laboratory of Electrophysiology and Behavioral Neuroscience
Year of 2023
November 2023 陳立涵同學,王姿穎同學,甄試錄取清華大學系統神經科學研究所碩士班
October 2023 "Activation of the basolateral or the central amygdala dampened the incentive motivation for food reward on high fixed-ratio schedules" (by Cheng-Chia Shih and Dr. Chun-hui Chang) is published in Behavioural Brain Research
October 2023 "Inactivation of medial or lateral orbitofrontal cortex during fear extinction did not interfere with fear renewal" (by Cheng-Wei Shih and Dr. Chun-hui Chang) is published in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
September 2023 關珣儀同學獲得國科會補助研究生出席國際會議獎學金
September 2023 "Pharmacological activation of the amygdala, but not single prolonged footshock-induced acute stress, interferes with cue-induced motivation toward food rewards in rats" (by Chien-Wen Lai and Dr. Chun-hui Chang) is published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
September 2023 黃妍菱同學獲112學年度清華大學生醫學院碩士班新生獎學金
August 2023 陳立涵同學獲得112學年度清華大學生醫學院大專學生研究計畫補助
April 2023 "Differential roles of Nucleus Reuniens and Perirhinal Cortex in Pavlovian trace fear conditioning in rats" (by Yi-Ci Jhuang and Dr. Chun-hui Chang) is published in Cerebral Cortex