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Year of 2023

  • November 2023 陳立涵同學,王姿穎同學,甄試錄取清華大學系統神經科學研究所碩士班


  • October 2023 "Activation of the basolateral or the central amygdala dampened the incentive motivation for food reward on high fixed-ratio schedules" (by Cheng-Chia Shih and Dr. Chun-hui Chang) is published in Behavioural Brain Research


  • October 2023 "Inactivation of medial or lateral orbitofrontal cortex during fear extinction did not interfere with fear renewal" (by Cheng-Wei Shih and Dr. Chun-hui Chang) is published in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory


  • September 2023 關珣儀同學獲得國科會補助研究生出席國際會議獎學金


  • September 2023 "Pharmacological activation of the amygdala, but not single prolonged footshock-induced acute stress, interferes with cue-induced motivation toward food rewards in rats" (by Chien-Wen Lai and Dr. Chun-hui Chang) is published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience

  • September 2023 黃妍菱同學獲112學年度清華大學生醫學院碩士班新生獎學金

  • August 2023 陳立涵同學獲得112學年度清華大學生醫學院大專學生研究計畫補助

  • April 2023 "Differential roles of Nucleus Reuniens and Perirhinal Cortex in Pavlovian trace fear conditioning in rats" (by Yi-Ci Jhuang and Dr. Chun-hui Chang) is published in Cerebral Cortex


Institute of Systems Neuroscience
College of Life Sciences and Medicine
National Tsing Hua University

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